Ticking away so quickly :(
Having an off day tonight..........i feel like such an ingrate worrying about all i haven't been able to accomplish this year (its the last day of november tomorrow lawd have mercy). Just finished having a lil pity party (guess who the guest of honor was!). There is so much i had hoped to accomplish this year ( i am too scared to get my journal and go through the list)
My habibi has being such a help.......consoling me with nice words and a lovely bear hug :) but i just feel so funny. He has recommended i read the book of Job(now that will put any whiner in check!). Had plans for every facet of my life and to be honest i haven't even scratched surface in any of these areas (looks like someone will have to be super busy in december). Thank goodness for people that keep me in check when i start to feel sorry for myself :my habibi and my immediate lil sis.
Arrggggggghhhh i wish i could just get to the top of some mountain and just scream my lungs out..........this is definately a sign that i need to spend more time on my knees (its been long since i really had a quality time in His presence). Any suggestions?
Food for the soul : Five minutes after death
Eyah... I feel you.
This year is over and I had so many plans for myself. I really try hard not to dwell on what I have not achieved and be thankful for what I have done so far.
It's so easy to say this but I know I have had really down days BUT I work hard to remember the good things. You are alive, you are well, you have a loving husband and mush more.
Take care :-)
LondonBuki, at 12:05 pm, November 30, 2006
FIRST!!!! :-) :-) :-)
LondonBuki, at 12:06 pm, November 30, 2006
The eagle has landed Funmi.
Check your mailbox.
Anthony Arojojoye, at 6:59 pm, November 30, 2006
@LB expect your cabin biscuit in the post.Thanks for reminding to focus on the wonderful things around me
@AA merci sir! just sent u a reply
Funmi, at 8:43 pm, November 30, 2006
I feel you, perhaps try not to procastinate too much. I am guilty of doing that sometimes. Procastination only leads to delay in accomplishing goals..of course, it's a different things if said goals are unrealistic to achieve in the set timeframe.
well take care.
Omo Ibadan, at 9:04 pm, November 30, 2006
@ Omoibadan that is so true.....i need to go thru my written goals and ensure they r not unrealistic.thanx for that :)
Funmi, at 9:33 pm, November 30, 2006
yeee!!! I shelled oh! I wrote MUSH more and it was not intentional!!!
LondonBuki, at 10:17 pm, November 30, 2006
lol lb mo ti gbo
Funmi, at 10:33 pm, November 30, 2006
lol @ london buki and funmi...ahn ahn...wetin be all dis razzomola runs...:) Diz (H)izzz Too MUSH men..:)
Omo Ibadan, at 4:02 pm, December 01, 2006
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