Thursday, June 07, 2007
My apologies for going MIA to be honest i just didn't have anything to rant about. Going through my regular blog rounds i read that one of the few female pastors i have been blessed to sit under her ministration has passed on to glory.Pastor Ify was truly a blessing. What i admired the most about her was her realness. She was also a loving wife and mother. Its at moments like this that my immortality really hits home big time. My prayers are with Pastor Agu, Nonye and JJ.The Lord Almighty will be their comfort at this very difficult time.
What encouraged me the most was the video recording of the service (it is a pretty long clip but u can fast forward to 1hour, 24mins to get the gist of what i am saying)that was held at Jesus House on the 5th of June( a day after she passed on to glory). Indeed our God is all-knowing and to truly know Him is to know peace beyond understanding. To be honest i was humbled by the strength of the members of the congregation. My prayers are with all the Irukwus, Pastor Ify's parents, siblings and all members of Jesus House. The Lord will give everyone affected by this death the strength to bear the loss. She is definately resting with the Lord.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Sun re o Kola Olawuyi
My sincere apologies for going awol. Work has tied this sistah up big time.
I was just doing my rounds of daily naija news when i bumped into this
For the yoruba speakers among us who still remember the show called Nkan Mbe back in naija. The host of the show passed on last week. To say i am crushed is an understatement. There was something about Kola Olawuyi that i respected and that was his guts. While i was home last year for Nysc i always tried to catch his show on the radio(eventhough some of the gist were scary it was always an eye opener). One that sticks to mind from back in the day was 'talo yoju ayoka' (translation, who plucked out ayoka's eyes!!!). His show was mainly to showcase the scary things that happened around us, dwelling on the supernatural and all that stuff.He always tried to be as objective as he could possibly be and was always quick to make corrections when and if the need came up.
He left behind aged parents, a wife and children. May his soul rest in peace.
Labels: Kola Olawuyi, Nkan Mbe
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Happy Valentine's Day

Hey people! Happy Val's day. I hope you are all having a good day? Thanks DJ Valentine for hooking me up with 'my song'. U need to checkout her hot playlist.
This time last year i was still in lagos serving (away from habibi) so i roasted big time. He was sweet enough to have my gifts sent down (had to keep hoarding him about ensuring i got them before the 14th). Biodun seems to have that in common with me :)
Well this year has started off excellent in every sense of the word. I mentioned having a list of goals for 2007 and i can say without a doubt that God has been truly faithful. My first valentines as a married woman has been beautiful so far (went for a lovely lunch with habibi and yours truly ate like a pig! am allowed jare, i can still remember i used to eat at home before going on any dinner dates back in the day that way my asiri (secret) as a pariolodo won't be revealed!) Remember i mentioned not knowing what to get for habibi well yours truly still hasn't gotten him a gift o. Now i am going to pay for that big time (lord help me).
Lately i have been coming across women who juggle work, raising infant kids and all the other stuff that come with life (now they are people i know not just somebody's friends) and it has changed my views completely on motherhood. Mennnnnn these women are trying big time. The thought of raising a human being and knowing that the decisions i make for that person for the first 5 years of their lives will make or mar them really scares me. I dunno where all this phobia is coming from (lord help me).
Went to get my hair done yesterday and all i can say is - i will never ever in my life touch afro kinky again.. Now i look like a rastafarian (habibi's words!). I decided to try a new look and reduce the number of times i do 'feathers' now i have learnt fast 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it'. The lady did the hair and all brought the mirror and i was like o no! Habibi is going to have a laugh at my expense for a few weeks! The worst part is that i have a busy weekend (another naija style party) now with this rasta hair i am just going to fake an illness and be 'invisible' at the party (u didn't think i was going to miss the party!). No jumping around for me.
I couldn't help but blog about Temmytayo (its all love girl). I loved the piece you did on love today. My two kobo pray about it, don't go with the illusion aight.
This blog is dedicated to the only man that brings out the best and the worst in me. Olowo ori mi ale absolutely no one else. My darling habibi, no one else comes close to you. We have our drama (don't we lol) but u are the best there is baby. I thank the lord everyday for that phone call on the 19th of July 2005 (it completely changed my life). All that talk about relocating to lagos bcos i needed to sort my self out lol.Its been 7 months, 3 weeks and 1 day of being your better half and i am lookin forward to more decades with you.
Monday, February 05, 2007
Adieu Blogger Beta

Hey Everyone! I hope you are all doing great? I would love to say a big thank you to everyone that checked up on me while i was abit under the weather. Desola i am waiting for that pepper soup please and Anthony i will have to pass on that agunmu.
I felt like such a novice signing on to blogger today, gone are the days of having to choose btw blogger beta and the new version. Its now a dictatorship, i just have to change or what will happen pshhhhhhhh! I guess the rebel in me wasn't too keen on switching over.
Alot has been happening since the last time i blogged. Had guests over a few weeks ago ( a mother and two kids) and they brought all the best and worst in habibi and I. Don't babies just look adorable when they are not living with you! Between having to remind the 3 year old that she should be able to feed herself and dealing with the 1 year old who has an obsession for opening things i thought i was going to go crazy! There should be a kinda of boot camp for lil munchins! Props go out to all the mothers out there who have to deal with raising kids, holding a job down and still be a good wifey. More power to you ladies.
9 days to valentines and i am not too sure what i should get habibi. Maybe i should just tell him i don't believe in all the hype (then again that might backfire since he is getting me an ipod nano!) I need to get my act together real quick.
Missed y'all abit and will try and do catch up this week!
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Friday, January 12, 2007
When will this crap stop
Dear Friend,
I'm happy to inform you about my success in getting the fund transferred under the cooperation of a new partner from paraguay.
Presently i'm in Paraguay for investment projects with my own share of the total sum. Meanwhile,I didn't forget your past efforts and attempts to assist me in transferring those funds despite that it failed us some how. Now contact my secretary,his name is Mr, Clem Uzu and his email address: is ( ask him to send you the total $1,850.000.00 which I kept for your compensation for all the past efforts and attempts to assist me in this matter. I appreciated your efforts at that time very much. So feel free and get in touched with my secretary Mr, Clem Uzu and instruct him where to send the amount to you.
Please do let me know immediately you receive it so that we can share the joy after all the sufferness at that time. In the moment,I am very busy here because of the investment projects which me and the new partner are having at hand.Finally, remember that I had forwarded instruction to the secretary on your behalf to receive that money, so feel free to get in touch with Mr, Clem Uzu and he will send the amount to you without any delay.
With best regards,
Don't these prats ever get tired of this? Barrister Michael has sent me this mail like thrice! I wish i could just wring his ears!
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Singapore Fried Rice and a kiss!
I need to start carrying a journal with me so i can jot down ideas when they spring to mind. Am i the only one who during the course of the day experiences something and makes a mental note to blog about it? Well i have had alotttttttt of those moments this week but for some reason it always skips my mind. This particular event didn't though....
Two days ago habibi and I decided to order chinese (i had been having some weird craving for singapore fried rice for ages!). Habibi dropped me off at the restaurant to place the order while he went to park the car. I had just placed our order when i felt someone kiss the back of my head.............habibi loves playing pranks big time but i knew it wasn't him that kissed my head.I was too freaked out to turn around to even confront the person (mind you there were 5 other people waiting to pick up their orders). Who could this freak possibly be?
Just before habibi walked in a young black man who i had hardly paid any attention too earlier moved to my right side (it dawned on me that he was the weirdo who kissed my head). On a good day i would have either slapped or cussed him out but i just felt like i ought to shut up i think it was more out of fear. As soon as habibi walked in (i gathered liver!) and told my husband what happened. He told me the guy was probably off his trolley and that i should just move away from Mr Weirdo. A few minutes later i had to pay for my order and Mr Weirdo decided to give me some of his money (u should have seen the look of horror on my face).
Fastforward five minutes he starts cussing at the t.v and two policemen walked in. Apparently he had gotten into an arguement with another customer prior to my arrival at the restaurant. He told the officers he suffered from autism and wasn't trying to get arrested again (guess this was a regular occurance with him). I sat there feeling so sorry for him eventhough he just invaded my space. I know of a professor from my old college who had two autistic children but i never really had any contact with them. This guy was probably in his late teens and already the path he has to take in life is jacked up. He kept marching around the restaurant, and even changed the 'open' sign at the door to 'closed'.
Its at moments liks this that i am truly grateful for who i am and what I am.All i kept saying after the officers left was 'oluwa mo dupe temi' (lord i am grateful for my portion in life).
Do check out Bisi and Ofon's page (got me feeling like having my wedding again!)
Congratulations to all the blog award winners