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Monday, February 05, 2007

Adieu Blogger Beta

Hey Everyone! I hope you are all doing great? I would love to say a big thank you to everyone that checked up on me while i was abit under the weather. Desola i am waiting for that pepper soup please and Anthony i will have to pass on that agunmu.

I felt like such a novice signing on to blogger today, gone are the days of having to choose btw blogger beta and the new version. Its now a dictatorship, i just have to change or what will happen pshhhhhhhh! I guess the rebel in me wasn't too keen on switching over.

Alot has been happening since the last time i blogged. Had guests over a few weeks ago ( a mother and two kids) and they brought all the best and worst in habibi and I. Don't babies just look adorable when they are not living with you! Between having to remind the 3 year old that she should be able to feed herself and dealing with the 1 year old who has an obsession for opening things i thought i was going to go crazy! There should be a kinda of boot camp for lil munchins! Props go out to all the mothers out there who have to deal with raising kids, holding a job down and still be a good wifey. More power to you ladies.

9 days to valentines and i am not too sure what i should get habibi. Maybe i should just tell him i don't believe in all the hype (then again that might backfire since he is getting me an ipod nano!) I need to get my act together real quick.
Missed y'all abit and will try and do catch up this week!


  • I am actually first! I feel your pain navigating in blog world. I am new to blog world, but not new to the demands of small children, surely if given the opportunity they will send any sane person to the madhouse. Your post is very humorous! You can visit me at

    By Blogger Simply Gorgeous, at 8:21 pm, February 05, 2007  

  • woman! Took you long enough to get back, glad you're back and feeling "on top the weather". When I say children are terrorists, people tell me am evil. My mom says when one has their own children I'd understand something about tolerance, patience, love, blood ties, pain. (They were all in the same sentence, all I heard was my own children and I started getting dizzy)

    p.s. I laughed for the longest time today...thanks

    By Blogger Mamarita, at 9:34 pm, February 05, 2007  

  • @ SG thanks for stopping by.

    @ Mamarita i am not really 'on top of the weather' just yet :(
    Glad i made you laugh, sorry i have been lousy at keeping in touch. Hugs to L for me.

    By Blogger Funmi, at 10:42 pm, February 05, 2007  

  • I am still sceptical about this beta blogger thingy. Still waiting on the lord before I take the plunge. LOL!!!

    By Blogger Unknown, at 11:07 pm, February 05, 2007  

  • You berra change to beta already n its no hassel too, so wot u waiting for child?
    I think children r cute especially little girls, dressing them up like little barbie dolls is wot I like best, lol.

    By Blogger Biodun, at 8:10 pm, February 06, 2007  

  • hiya.. im new to blogging world..meen.. kids are cute o-no doubt.. till they turn 4.. monsters!!-
    visit me @!

    By Blogger BiMbyLaDs**, at 1:50 am, February 07, 2007  

  • The kids are training you for what to expect so don't complain my dear.

    Think fast on what to get for Husby and of cos moi.As i no get val o.

    Glad that you are a lot berra.

    By Blogger temmy tayo, at 5:35 pm, February 07, 2007  

  • Glad t know you are feeling better... As per the kids, next time you have kids over, send me an SOS I have the manual to make them behave.

    By Blogger Miguel, at 2:29 am, February 08, 2007  

  • Hello! Good to know you're feeling better. Hope you feel 100% now.

    Kids are cute when you see them for a day,... live with them, they're still cute but they can be little monsters.

    By Blogger LondonBuki, at 1:51 pm, February 08, 2007  

  • My first visit to your blog and me likey. Now i am off to read the rest.....

    By Blogger Uzo, at 4:31 pm, February 08, 2007  

  • liking ur blog alot!!

    By Blogger chidi, at 3:49 pm, February 11, 2007  

  • lol.. .i'm also getting an ipod for my birthday.. I've been wanting one for a while but I just won't shell out for it not when i could buy clothes and/or shoes... lol. I'm glad you feel better love. Honest truth.. i don't particularly care about kids.. i don't hate it.. but i don't particularly like em... they'er just there.. ppl tell me its bcos i never really grew up around kids and my sister is only 2 years younger than me... so i'd probably lose my patience more than u if those kids were around... that or i'd just ignore em.. horrible... i know!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:59 am, February 13, 2007  

  • Welcome back! Your request has been granted by DJ Valentine. See my blog lol

    By Blogger TMinx, at 12:42 pm, February 14, 2007  

  • Happy vals day!
    Glad u r feeling better
    Hope u were able to work out something nicccce for ur 'habibi'!

    By Blogger Bella Naija, at 7:49 pm, February 14, 2007  

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